Fortnite- collision live event

 By: Ledwaba Mmaphuthi 


Twitter: @ledwabaMp2 

The Fortnite end-season event of Chapter 3: Season 2 also known as "The Collision Event" took place at 22:00 on June 4th, 2022. As always, Epic games go the extra mile to make these types of events  nothing short of spectacular to keep regular players invested in the Fortnite lore and to bring in new players.

Fortnite end season live event. Picture from the internet. 

 Throughout the season Fortnite players were playing as heroes helping members of "The Seven" to stop the IO (Imagined Order) from destroying the Zero Point, which is  keeping reality in place as well as the Fortnite island itself. 

The collision event is the final deciding battle to determine the fate of reality, in a battle that Fortnite players could have never thought would be this "EPIC".

The event begins with players on a ship that seems to be a modified version of the Mecha robot introduced in season 9. The Scientist, a member of The Seven reveals the pilot for the robot which is another Seven-member called Paradigm.

 She gives players inductions to take control of the giant robot weapons. The robot starts heading towards the island with lots of space rocks on the way and players have the task of helping the robot get to the island by using the variety of installed weapons on the robot to destroy the rocks. 

The robot finally lands on the island with many IO forces on the ground attempting to stop the robots from reaching "The Collider", a giant ray gun weapon that can destroy the zero point.

Players help Paradigm get to the Collider by eliminating the many IO forces on the island protecting the Collider. However, before players can destroy the Collider a hole opens underneath and the robot is destroyed in the process and players must navigate on foot while taking out IO forces to get to their captain (Dr. Slone). 

They reach the leader with the help of The Seven's leader "The Foundation"(The Rock) and manage to beat Dr. Slone. Players shoot the crystals powering the Collider to save reality, managing to win against the IO but a giant portal opens up revealing Geno, the true leader of the IO. 

The Foundation and his ally John Jones jump through the portal to get to Geno and thus concludes the event setting up for the continuation in Chapter 3: Season 3.

 I think the Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 Collision event was another stunning in-game experience because both The I.O. and The Resistance pulled out their signature weapons and to top it all off a member of The Seven revealed the pilot for the Mecha robot is also a member of The Seven known as Paradigm.

 Personally, I wanted the IO to win because I think it could have been more fun and it would have set up the stage for an even bigger collision between the two sides. The ending was still a good one because post the Collision event I got to see a new plot that was teased well over 6 months back involving an even more sinister villain called Geno. 

Not only that, but I got to experience something special during the event because this is the first event to allow the players to interact with The Seven and physically aid them in battle. This brings a whole lot of room for more events of similar caliber in the future, and I am excited to have been part of an event like this one.


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